1.With the end of the breeding season now upon us how do you get hens to stop laying,nesting and get them to start moulting ?
Richard's Roost said...
Linda Hogan said...
I am not familiar with that coloring agent. I use Bogena.
I would treat her and try to get her healthy and not stress her with breeding. Baytril is a good antibiotic but with numerous infectious agents that cause respiratory problems, it may or may not work. It is worth a try..
De-stress the bird and try petamine and do not try to breed it. Baytril might work.
The eye problems may be due to Mycoplasma and if so they will not respond to many antibiotics, may require tylosin.
Antibiotic eye drops can often clear it up too. I find that even if I get it cleared up, stress of breeding will usually bring on more eye problems for the "cured" bird.
Has anyone tried using split bands instead of tape? I tried super gluing the toe back and literally became one with the bird :)
she is beautiful, a rich salmon color, I bought some coloring agent locally called pastochemi R
I cannot read the forien language on the box, at any rate she will not eat it...she picks around and leaves it in the dish, she decided to nest, I am very surprised I thought she would molt, her trip out of the pet store was very stressful as I am her second buyer, she has what I am gona call a sneeze/cough she goes psst psst psst, I had her on baytril, but when I put that in the water my birds drink very little, it smells very bitter I am sure it doesn't taste good, so when she went to laying I changed back to plain water as I think a hen needs lots of water to make eggs, she laid only one egg, I do have a male in with her so I am letting her sit.
Guess I need to know what that psst psst psst is all about, I had a bird a few years back that did that a lot throughout his life, I had him to the vet and used baytril but never got it cleared up for him, he lived a long life
he was my very first canary, my vet did not seem to concerned about this as he was bright eyed and ate and sang thru it all. I am concerned about this hen, the psst psst psst, and I am not liking the look in her eye, do you have any suggestions? as soon as I know if her egg is fertile or not I need to treat this, I tried boosting her beneficial bacteria 1st
I have also tried a product called tonic and bitters, no change....
any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated