Breeder Report:
Hello, Everyone,
I am putting together a USA list of all the canary shows. I am
hoping you all can supply me with contacts or show info about
shows around the country.I think I have NY, NJ, MD and CA covered.
I have the Greater Chicago show, but am wondering if there are
others. I have a few in TX & FL. Most of these are canary and
finch shows. I am also interested in specialty shows like
all-Gloster shows. I intend to put the information together and
distribute it to all participants. Hopefully we can generate
some interest in people attending a show or 2 that they haven't
attended before.
Feel free to pass along my email and phone number. If all goes
well, I can pull the whole thing together by the end of this
weekend and then email out to everyone. I can always send out
an updated list in a few weeks if I miss a few. I appreciate
any help you can give me.
Mary Anne Buckles
Hi Linda.
I wanted to give Mary Ann info on a canary show in Florida. When I clicked on her link to send her the info, it wanted a password~~ Please pass this link on to her for me.. Thank you
Canary & Finch Club Of Minnesota
21st Annual Show
October 23,2010
River Heights Motel
1020 US HWY 10
Prescott, WI
Reservations @1-800-522-9207
Contact: Jerry 218-232-1688
Or Evon
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