The birds are a mostly Staffords but a couple of rollers. And boy was I shocked to see they somehow successfully raised a chick with nothing provided but seed and water and occasional greens..!! The seed was not plain but rather the petamine and vitamin wheat germ oil coated excellent seed I get from Bird of Paradise 316 263-0850.
It is very wild acting compared to my pampered chicks but hopefully he will warm up to me once it is fully weaned!
Linda, I have my latest hatchs this year too. I banded two last night and the "last" will be banded tonight. I too will delay turning off lights for a while to get these three off to a good start. Dad is with them so hopefully they will fledge. So far Mom is feeding well. Any ideas on why we are having such a late season?
The late pairs that are feeding well had Dad in the cage. Now this very last one is only Mom but so far she is feeding well.
I found that the Imported birds took a long time to come in except for the one male. Two males and one hen are still thin and I fear that they will have trouble with the molt...
I held my rollers back waiting for the imports so I expected to be late but not this late. I also turned on the air conditioner instead of letting temperature raise to 90 in the aviary...
Also Spring rains that help bring them in here, were very late if at all...
Interesting about the late hatches. Here on the Gulf Coast the wild birds are doing the same, I learned from wild bird friend Lisa.
Nature must be compensating for the hard winter and the lush spring provided the extra foods for the birds.
My birds have yet to molt and would still nest as I too have roller hens laying in their mini-flight.
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