David Bopp shared that for the first three days, he feeds the hen special egg food. He combines one egg yolk with one tablespoon Proteen 25 nestling food (Higgins Company). I have been making up six egg yolks at a time in the food processor and using three tablespoons Proteen 25 and three tablespoons CeDe nestling food. I put some regular nestling food on one side of the feeding dish and the yolk mix on the other side and they will feed the yolk mix first! Even the borders are feeding the yolk mix well!! After three days, you need to use regular egg food as this is too rich to continue beyond the three days. Too rich foods at about five days will cause the skin to get red and lacquer like fecal material can seal the vent resulting in chick death.
Shawn asks how can you tell an agate from an isabel?
Hi Linda,
I am battling to identify some of the colour canaries - mutations of Agate and Isabel. You wouldn't by any chance want to start a Identify the colour special?
For instance, I bred a silver bird from a Gold Isabel opal x Silver Isabel male bird. This youngster looks almost like a white bird but silver and does not have actual striations, but rather it looks almost like a very feint brownish imprint on its wings:- what would be chocolate brown stiations on a silver Isabel. I believe that it is a Silver Isabel Opal, but some of my mates think it is an Agate opal pastel, because they say it has striations. (which to me are two separate birds to start with.) The brother of this bird is gold, and has no striations at all and looks like a normal frosted gold (citron) bird.
As I say it is not definate striation, it looks like the second page in a book when you pressed too hard with a pen... Oh well, hope that makes some sense.
After the seminar, I ask Geoff if there was an Internet site where we might see more of these mutations. He recommended a dutch site I learned that it is best to google deschinkel rather than to call up the web site directly because when you google and then select this site, you have the opportunity to double click on the parentheses side remark which says translate this site so that it will automatically come up with an English translation. Once on the site, go to the lower right hand corner and click on all birds. I have really been enjoying this site.
Identifying colorbred seems a little confusing at first but if you break it down to ground color (red, rose, white or silver, or yellow or gold) and then decide whether the dark pigments and striations are black diluted to grey or brown diluted to tan. Separating agate, a dilution of black, from isabel, a dilution of brown to tan becomes easier. There are some web sites which show pictures of the mutations and are very informative. One is listed on the Cobalt post from Geoff Walker's seminar at the national in the older posts for middle to late November.
Howzit Gorgeous,
Well I think I now have it...
Over here, people talk about for eg: Isabel Opal Pastel to describe one bird. Surely this is incorrect? I always was under the impression that it would either be pastel or opal but not both simultaneously? We even have such classes that you can enter under the Colour Canaries?? Help please I get more confust!
When I show some of my "opals" to friends they call them opal pastel - but the youngster would specifically have come from pastel only?
Help please?
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