Halloween Winners Type 11 Modesto
Best Type 11 and Best Old Variety and Best Lizard, Fantastic Spangles and Rowing on a Silver Broken Cap Lizard Exhibited by Bill Jackson.
There were 17 lizards exhibited!!
Second Best Type 11, Clean head and Neck with Beautiful Frilling and Great Position (except in my photo), Clear Southern Frill Exhibited by Art Pacheco
Third Best Type 11, Excellent Type and Feathering on a Yellow Grizzled Hartz Topknot and Best Hartz, Exhibited by Robert and Mary Anne Buckles
Fantastic lizard canary! In this picture the coloring does not appear to be the reddish/orange as with other lizards on the show bench.
This is what is referred to as a "blue" lizard where the color is not as deep?
Would love to see more lizard canary pics if you have them.
I think the lighting in this picture has lightened the top of this bird a little. This is a silver lizard hen. It is not a true blue lizard canary. The chestnut ground color can be seen in this picture on the rump below the primary wing feathers. The blue lizard has the lizard pattern on a white ground.
This bird is out of a line I have had since 2002 and crossed with a new cock that I brought into the aviary in 2007.
I too would like to see more pictures of lizard canaries and would love to see more lizard canaries at the bird shows. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to attract more fans to the breed?
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