I personally have never seen this problem. I have looked at my vet books and seen some somewhat similar problems in other birds. There are numerous causes for the problem by such things as dietary deficiency of vitamin A to various kinds of infections such as Hemophilus or Mycoplasma to mites.
If you have dealt with this problem, please post a comment to this blog!
Side note: This morning I am flying to Oakland to judge the roller show. Come on out to the show!!
Could it be as simple as an feather cyst?
The answer could be a Feather Cyst as Richard's Roost suggests. I once had a Yorkshire that had a round shaped knot that developed on the edge of the nostril. I would let it dry and remove it. In the end, the deformity grew to be the size of a pea and consequently deformed the entire area leaving a large dry hole when removed.
I agree with Richard's Roost . I had a Orange Roller Hybrid with those on his breast area . I personally think this come about from excessive breeding with " soft feathered " birds .
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