Today as I chatted with my good bird friend Doyle Johnson, he shared his current conditioning mix recipe. It is wonderful to be blessed with bird enthusiasts friends and even more wonderful when they share their recipes!
Doyle's Conditioner
Place 1 cup cous cous in a large bowl and add 1 cup hot tap water and a dash of olive oil. Stir occasionally until liquid is absorbed.
Add 2 cups dry CeDe mixed with 1 teaspoon Miracle Amino Acid Vitamin Supplement (AA Miracle available from ABBA Products).
Add 2 Tablespoon Hen Egg Shell (prepare egg shells for feeding by either baking in the oven or microwave 1 1/2 minutes).
Add 1 cup processed broccoli (measure after processing in the food processor).
My birds loved it!!
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1 comment:
Have used a similiar recipe for years. I use proteem 25, hard boiled eggs complete with the shells,kale, & apple with the couscous.
Quino can also be used.
Proteem 25 is available for red or yellow ground birds.
When the youngsters are ready for weaning I add this recipe to soaked or spouted seeds.
Feed in small quantites to avoid spoilage and waste.
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