Please post here your tips and questions for Big Bird.
Tips include the best tips you received from other breeders.
1. Deb relayed that Clarice James recommended Buckwheat for conditioning. I used it in a mixed seed sprouting mix. Any comments?
1. Joyce writes she has a 17 day old chick that is crying as the parents are not feeding. What should she do? If she hand feeds will it effect how long it takes to wean the chicks?
Chicks that leave the nest before the 18th day are usually in a nest too full of chicks are not being feed well..
If their are four or more chicks, place a second nest next to the original to give the chicks more room.
Typically, when the first chick leaves the nest, I begin offering a quarter of a hard boiled egg cut with a sharp edge. Chicks will nibble the sharp yolk edge and wean themselves just by watching the parents nibble on it.
By the 21st day most varieties are ready for separation from their parents. The weaning cage should be small and have no perches with lots of food choices on the floor. Such things as quarter hard boiled egg, loose seeded broccoli heads, sprouted seed, bee pollen, oatmeal, toasted wheat germ and nestling food.
Chicks can be hand fed if they refuse to eat and puff up...
All over the country, folks are raving about Kaytee Exact Handfeeding formula. I will be trying it this year based on the recommendations along with Scenic Brand Handfeeding formula and comparing these products to my old standby plain ABBA Green 92 in water.
The longer you hand feed the longer it takes to wean a chick. They like to be babies and try to get anyone or other bird even their own siblings to feed them before eating on their own.
Linda - do you have a recipe for egg food that you would recommend?
Also if you purchase yours what brand do you use. Janet
Rock Chalk - Jay-Hawk.....KU !
Cheer for KU - almost assured to win!
An association with the limestone rich Kansas region was taken into the chant of the KU Baseball team, initially it was rah rah Jayhawks and then rock chalk somehow got added.
Howzit Gorgeous,
I am still battling to make out the different sounds that the rollers are making. I have a young bird that sings this sound all the time krrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it amazes me how long he can draw that rrrrrr out. It seems to be a deep, relaxed even note, no fluctuations. My guess is that the sound is bass roll, but I am not 100% sure, what do you suppose? Then I was lucky enough to get a cabinet that houses 16 individual roller cages for training. I will use shade cloth as a curtain and keep them under subdued light and keep only their father out all day so that he is encouraged to sing for them to listen. Looks like I will at least have 4 young males that can be shown! So looking forward to this new variety and learning about them.
There are several theories about Rock Chalk. The original Jayhawk was a mythical bird perhaps originally from Ireland.
Rah Rah Jayhawk did not rhyme and so one the professors suggested that it be changed to Rock chalk Jayhawk since so many of the campus buildings were made of local chalky limestone and rock chalk rhymed with Jayhawk!
It is a great all KU sports victory chant and chanted only when victory is certain! At times it is started a couple of minutes before the end of the game and at other times it is seconds! But whenever the crowd starts the chant, I join in and let the warm fuzzy joy of winning fill my spirit!!
Good work Shawn!!! You may be the only person in South Africa who understands the chant of the Jayhawk!!
The deep register roll with the short k is as you suggested bass roll!! I love that deep purring sound!
In pairing, I make sure that either the male or the hens father is strong in bass and the other is strong in hollow roll.
Sounds like a good show plan!!
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