Water Soluble Vitamin E
Many of the e-mails I receive concern problems with conditioning canaries for breeding. Today, it was a breeder who reported her hen showing signs of breeding but not building her nest. From early signs such as carrying paper, it can be a full 4 to 6 weeks before the hen reaches full breeding condition. Too often, seeing the early breeding signs, results in the incorrect assumption that the hen is truly "ready" and consequently disappointing results.
Responding to the early breeding signs, the breeding will likely begin a pushing cycle with the birds. Unknowingly, in an attempt to get them to breed, they send their birds' mixed messages from breed to don't breed by first trying one thing and then doing something else entirely different in the opposite direction. What the birds need is a consistent progressing forward breeding message!
An easy way to provide the correct message is to use ABBA Water Soluble Vitamin E High Fertility Vitamins. Simply dilute 1/2 teaspoon in a gallon of water and used as the only water for 24 hours on a consistent day, once a week as directed on the bottle.
Although light, diet, and aviary temperature are all important, the number one factor bringing hens into full breeding potential is the song of the cock! I want my cocks singing enthusiastically to help the hens come into condition. Therefore, I start my cocks on the once weekly treatment about six weeks before breeding season. Continue cocks on the once weekly treatment till molting to preserve their fertility.
My hens are started on the once weekly treatment three weeks before breeding is anticipated and continue to give it to them until she lays her first egg. This is important as continuing hens on high doses of vitamin E will over stimulate them to lay again quickly rather than going through the normal complete breeding, nesting, and feeding etc cycle.
With vitamin E being a fat soluble and thus a stored vitamin, giving the correct amount is critical to breeding success. The beauty of this product is using a measured amount instead of the guess work when you use other vitamin E products such as wheat germ oil. This makes it easy!!
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