Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gain A Competitive Edge - Dolly Parton Makeover

This beautiful Stafford seems to be hiding something.

A clear view shows its "Dolly Parton" chest. Standing upright it would not be so unsightly but even then it is too obvious. After reading Dr. Oz, the extra grams have got to go!!

Two perches fairly high in the cage but not so high to encourage it to lay down on the perch. Water next to perches but food on the floor to encourage exercise. And for food its only petamine breeding formula! No high carb's for fatty!!

Its crest is developing nicely but a number of pin feathers still need to mature and lose their shaft. If a few shafts remain by its first show, I will brush them out gently with a toothbrush.

Thanks all of you bloggers for your sympathy during my time of grieving. Tosca was so special and human-like to us that he was a real member of the family.

Each morning, he refused to be taken out until each member of the family was up. He typically moved from room to room only going to the next room when you were up.

Another favorite memory is his bait and switch trick. Normally. we all sit down and have breakfast and dinner together. On occasion, when that is not possible, we fill our plate and eat alone. When Tosca saw this, he immediately runs and goes for the food on the counter. Fearing that there will not be anything to feed the others, I quickly run and rescue it only to return to my seat at the table and see him eating my food! He actually played this bait and switch trick on each of us, more than once!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda,
Very sorry to hear of your loss,
so very hard to let them go. Little gifts from God, only on loan to us for a short time.
and such a beautiful Boy
