Beware of Sudden Light Changes on Setting Hens
Sudden lengthening of days for breeding hens can only be done before hens are setting. Once hens are setting, a sudden lengthening of days will result in the hens losing their incubation temperature and deserting their eggs. In that case artificial lighting can only change with natural day length. Decrease in day length will precipitate a molt.
Update to Current Nestling Food
Now that nearly all of my birds have been paired and the early ones are due to hatch, I have added cooked quinoa and cooked wheat with grated carrots to my nestling food. The rest of the recipe can be found on last Sunday March 21st blog Questions post.
Rise and Shine
When breeders report that chicks are not growing normally and subsequent high chick mortality, my first question is "What time do you put fresh nestling food out in the morning??" What a difference it makes when you rise and shine and put fresh nestling food out immediately when the lights come on first thing in the morning!!
1.What do you think about feeding cooked quinoa to nestlings? The package says that this grain is a complete protein. Do you believe this to be true? What about feeding it during the moult to all birds? Do you know if quinoa reduces the body temperature of sitting hens the same way as egg food does?
2. I have a question about a condition I noticed on my Gloster this morning. I noticed a lump on his outer wing, and thought at first it might be dried feces. I tried to gently scrape it off with my finger, and it turned out to be some sort of growth. Any thoughts?
1. I have a problem this year, that has completely puzzled me. My hens are laying normally, but get egg-bound on the fourth egg!
1. Fergie said...
Due to abnormal flooding in New England, I am forced to move my bird room 1/2 mile. Hens are on nests with eggs and chicks. I would appreciate any ideas, comments or suggestions on how this could be best accomplished.