Remember "Handsome Dude". a German Roller male. He has been busy. After the Sweetheart Dance on Valentines Day and making the Docile hen his first love, he has been a busy boy and left a string of broken hearts, currently with number 5 and 6 and more planned.
The Docile hen just was not interested in any male but with time and conditioning, finally she chose Handsome Dude.
Three of her eggs were fertile and she has been an excellent feeder. Normally, I wait till chicks are banded to give greens but she feeds so much that one of her chicks looked a little red instead of rosy pink. To back off the protein, I feed her some quinoa with broccoli.
YES Linda, we missed you. We were also cheering for your Kansas Jayhawks.
Quinoa with broccoli a staple for feeding babies hereas well.
Looking forward to seeeing those Staffords develop.
Hi Evon
I am always sorry when I don't post for awhile, love to hear from you!
I am an avid Jayhawk fan and considering the raw material we had, beating North Carolina was the high light for me! March is always hard as I watch so many basketball games. We also went to St. Louis for the Missouri Valley Tournament.
This year, I also had Lucca who is such a handful that I decided to send him to college (Pat calls it reform school). A professional trainer has him for a few weeks and reports he is making fantastic progress with him. So for a few weeks, I have time again. When Lucca is here, I was throwing a ball 2 to 3 hours a day, playing soccer and walking him as he is a very busy boy!
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