KD powder, a blend of organic acids, hydrogen ions and surfactants, is added to drinking water to not only keep the water free from germs but also to protect birds from germs. By acidifying their drinking water and thus also the contents of the crop, it lowers germ count in the water and promotes natural health while nurturing a strong natural resistance in the flock.
During most of the year, I treat the water on two consecutive days with KD powder. Typically, some of my birds would try to continue nesting on the floor and some would look shaggy and out of sorts during the molt. I am very impressed by how much better the birds are when given their weekly KD treatment in the water!
I am still learning about how to use the product but it seems to me that the only time I am not going to use it weekly as described is when the hen is setting. I observe them not sitting as well when given to a setting hen and it does help discourage hens from sitting after breeding season. It is invaluable for the feeding hen and I start it on them as soon as the clutch is hatched and continue daily till chicks are weaned. I think that sometimes the hens digestive system can be upset by the soft food and by giving the KD powder daily in the water she will feed better.
KD is helpful in treating "carrier-type" diseases such as E. coli, Black Spot, Megabacteria and Strep infections. KD protects healthy members from scumming to the disease and strengthen the flock's natural resistance against them. This enhanced natural resistance does not occur when antibiotic-type medicines are given in the early stages of an outbreak.
I purchased my KD powder from ladygouldianfinch.com.
Lucca doing a play bow. I am his favorite toy!!
Happy but ready to go inside out of the heat.
And ready for a morning nap!
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