After calling most of the sources listed for L'Avian Plus Canary Mix listed on their web site and finding none carrying it, I called the Kansas distributor and learned they had talked to John's Animal World in Andover, a town about 25 miles from my house, about carrying it. I called John and ordered six bags. You guessed it, the seed came in with the snow storm!! Never am I out of bird seed but somehow that's what happened!
Not wanting to risk my life to pick up bird seed at John's, I drove seven miles on slick streets and picked up some seeds from CW Products, a local feed dealer, to make my own mix.
My Mix:
6 quarts straight canary seed
4 quarts canola rape
2 quarts sunflower chips (pieces)
2 cups petamine breeding formula
1 cup Flax seed
1/2 cup Scenic Hand feeding Formula
The cost of my mix, made from 50 lb bags of canary seed, rape and sunflower chips is approximately 45 cents a lb....quite a savings over the $1.30 to $1.60 cost of my other canary mixes.
With temperature in single digits, I turned on some supplemental heat and made sure the birds also had fresh white bread and oatmeal for extra calories during the cold spell.
With the birds taken care of, we sat back and watched the undefeated Kansas Jayhawks play basketball!
Hi Linda Are you ready to order bee pollen for your birds? I do not see it in your mix? We will be unavailable after the 27th for two weeks and do not want you to be without if you need some let me know. Diane ( Peggy's Pollen)
Hi Diane
Thanks for the reminder! I will call you today and place an order.
I feed bee pollen free choice in a separate dish to birds as they are coming into condition. It is a wonder food!!
Diane has great quality pollen, order yours by calling her at 320 243-4330.
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