Saturday, December 19, 2009

Oakland Roller Show Winners

Congratulations Steve!!

Steve Billmire won Grand Champion Team with 208 points, Highest Young Bird with 50 points, Highest Old Bird with 58 points, Derby Team with 186 points, Old Derby Team with 208 points, Highest Four-Tour Team with 165 points, Master Breeder Single and Teams, Individual Bird Tour Specials: Glucke with 5 points, Hollow Bell with 7 points, and Flutes with 7 points!!

After the awards ceremony, Steve announced that when he imported the German stock last year, he did it to not only to improve his line but also to share with club members.

Sergio Martin won Champion Young Team with 174 points and Highest Champion Single with 47 points and Individual Bird Tour Specials for Hollow Roll with 15. points, Schockel with 4 points, and Water Tour with 4 points. Way to Go Sergio!!

Gus Garcia won Individual Bird Tour Special for Bass with 16 points!! What a Bass!!!

Carol Tucker accepts a third place Champion Team ribbon for her team!

Club Member Yuriy Frenkel stopped by to congratulate the winners..

And so my show season ended.....

And then Steve invited me to his home for my last night in California and on the way home we would stop at the Santa Clara Bird Show!! Can you believe this?

There are never too many bird shows, just too little time to attend them!!

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