In Your Easter Bonnet is the Theme of an Upcoming Canary Blog Parade!
Join in the fun by submitting photos of canaries which have naturally adorned heads such as crests, topknots, caps, or frills.
Take a shot down on the head so that we can see the crest shape if that is needed to identify the canary type.
Identify the type of canary and give your name. Send to and put Easter Bonnet in the subject line. Early submissions are appreciated but the final deadline for parade entries is April 10th. Multiple entries are accepted from the same canary fancier if they are of different kinds of canaries.
Success of our parade depends on many people participating. I anxiously await your parade entry!
Cover Girl Bird photo taken by Paul Putz and is from the DKB /AZ Farben- und Positurkanarienstandard.
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