Thursday, April 2, 2015

Girls Follow Boys - Bringing in the Hens, Getting More Eggs per Clutch

The most important factor in bringing in the hens is hearing the song of a breeding ready cock. That is why I always start conditioning the cocks first and when they are getting close, I then start the hens. Usually the cocks are on the ABBA fertility E, given once a week, three weeks before starting the hens. This year I had some lighting flickering issues and decided to replace the fixtures so I delayed starting the hens and today was their second once weekly dose of ABBA fertility E. Today, I also started giving both cocks and hens an additional mix.

To 4 cups of ABBA green 92 dry nestling food, I add 1 tablespoon Miracle vitamin and feed dry every other day.
 Miracle vitamin is made by Canariz in Italy and 15% protein but a high concentration of methionine. It is sold in the US by ABBA Products.
The advantage of additional amino acids in the hens diet is to increase the number of eggs per clutch.

Once the clutch is laid, I discontinue this mix but continue to add Miracle vitamin to the nestling food.


  1. Hi Linda,

    Have you ever had a hen that when she hears a male sing, will drop her wings lifts her chest and start trying to sing. No sound comes out when she does this though, She beeps normally other times.
    Im confused by this hen, not sure its a she anymore, she is still not ready for breeding (been conditioning since February) , so cant tell by the vent.

  2. If she is squatting to invite mating the vent would be rounded and could gets a red ring around it right before she lays. The description sounds more like the macho dance of a male dropping wings. Some hens do sing. My first "male" laid an egg!

  3. Interesting about the extra amino acids. I didn't know one could influence the number of eggs per clutch. I guess this tells me to provide plenty of protein prior to breeding. A combination of a grain and a legume provides all twenty essential amino acids for humans. That is why beans and rice are such a common meal for people who lack meat in their diets.
