Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Swords - Around the Hall

Artwork by local students was displayed around the room

Best Bengalese Exhibited by M. Kinchella

Best Zebra Exhibited by C. Ebbs

The show catalog shows all classes and identifies the exhibitors of each entry. This is possible since they do not use cage numbers but rather each entry is identified by class and assigned number in that class, such as class 204 lists 1 T. Watson, 2 T. Lacey, 3 L. O'Reilly. The cages with winners are all displayed by class on show stands with placement marked on the cage label. Makes it very easy to compare birds and their placement. Ribbons are limited to big winners and are placed on cages after all judging is complete so it is easy to find the big winners too. The catalog supplement, winners per class, is available when the public is admitted (3 pm on Sat).

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