Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Eye Problem Part 2 - If At First You Do Not Succeed, Try Try Again

Young Border Before Treatment

Yesterday, I was very disappointed in the first 24 hour treatment of the eye problem with mycoban so I switched to Enrofloxyn (10 % baytril pigeon product from lady gouldian finch).

Same bird after 24 hours on Enrofloxyn! Wow!! That's how it should work!!!

Feathers above the eye are just a little stiff and drooping and I will wash them with water to soften them. It also lost a few feathers which were irritating the eye yesterday.

Tired of my photo shots (actually 28 and this one is the last for this post) but happy and thrilled wanting to tell the world our good results! (Click on each photo and see how the eye and tissue around the eye have improved so much) Treatment will continue for seven days to make sure I get it all and then I will watch closely to make sure he does not take a back set.

Update 48 hour on Enrofloxyn!

If you are outside the US, check with pigeon supply companies and with a veterinarian or perhaps a pharmacy if you can buy antibiotics there. A breeder from Indonesia was able to get a 5% liquid baytril solution from her veterinarian. Since this is a 10% liquid solution, she is able to double it to get the right dose for her sick birds with respiratory problems.

Notice how the head confirmation is good again, Good frontal rise and pretty good roundness all around.


  1. Wow that was a great recovery!! Thanks for sharing with us Linda. The info is invaluable and will save many birds the world over..


  2. Hi Linda,

    Do you give a probiotic after
    dosing with Enrofloxyn?
    Thankyou, for all your posts---
    they are very helpful!


  3. Hi Linda,

    You talked about the 'seed mixtures' for your Borders,ect.,
    working toward straight canary by
    showtime. Question: what seed mixture are given the colored birds[Red Lipochromes]?
    Thankyou, for all your knowledge and experiences!!!!

  4. I feed colorbreds the same way. I also do not give them rape during color feeding as it is a strong yellow coloring agent.

  5. Since canaries and finches lack caeca, instead of utilizing friendly bacteria like birds with a caeca, they use enzymatic digestion. So a number of avian vets consider the canary intestines normally sterile.

    Even knowing this, I do occasionally give them some probiotic but I only use those that contain only avian specific lactobacillus and no additional organisms such as enterococcus or streptococcus.
