Thursday, July 3, 2014

Attention Bloggers In Ireland

Amish Cantaloupe
Can you help Big Bird?  I am planning a trip to Ireland to attend the All-Ireland All-Border Show in Dublin October 19 and 20th and would like to attend other bird shows around the same time.  Have not bought the ticket so I could attend the weekend before or after or both etc.

Am interested in seeing lots of Borders and other kinds of canaries. Would especially like to see Irish Fancy in particular as the numbers are somewhat limited here in the States.

Seems like this is a good time in my life to travel. My idea of the perfect trip is to see Canaries and attend Bird Shows! Got another idea for a bird trip?

My Kind of Fireworks! Happy 4th of July!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Linda,

    Great news, the lads in Ireland will be delighted to hear this. For your information, the show immediately the weekend prior to the Irish BFCC is an All Variety Cage Bird Show, called SWORDS, it's situated not far from Dublin Airport. It receives an entry of around 1,800 birds, the weekend after the Irish BFCC is South County Dublin Cage Bird Society it's held in Shankhill on the South side of the City, another All Variety show it gets up to 1,000 entries
