Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Brain Teaser: Green Egg Mystery

The green colored egg on the far left was the first one laid in the clutch.

Question: What is the significance of the green color? What action should be taken to produce the normal next three eggs?

Please Respond....Big Bird Gets Lonesome Too!

Peter Responded "My guess is that the green egg is a thinner shelled egg where the normal blue/light purple egg are the correct thickness in shell. Also I have been told but have not noticed it that the last egg a canary lays is usually the darkest and that is how you know she is done with that clutch."

Great Answer Peter! The greenish egg was extremely thin shelled the middle two are normal and the last egg is the darkest blue one.  I have routinely been putting the hens on Avi-tech Cal-D-Sol (calcium D3 etc) in the water when she lays her first egg and the improvement that this product makes in shell quality is very dramatic!

I was really surprised that this egg was so thin that a day later it broke on its own in the dish! Never seen that before! I would not have put it under the hen anyway as it was high risk to break under her and then the broken eggs contents could get all over the good eggs and even glue them to the nest material. When eggs break under the setting hen it is likely a calcium problem. 

1 comment:

  1. My guess is that the green egg is a thinner shelled egg where the normal blue/light purple egg are the correct thickness in shell. Also I have been told but have not noticed it that the last egg a canary lays is usually the darkest and that is how you know she is done with that clutch.
