Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tip: Trimming Scissors

I like to trim the cocks feathers around his vent and off the side to make fertilization easier. Seems like my scissors were dull and the trim was ragged. When I went to my hair stylist, I was lamenting my problem and she said "Why don't you go to the beauty supply shop and buy some real scissors?"

At the beauty supply store I learned that the most common hair stylist scissors are 5.5 inches long and can cost several hundred dollars.  For trimming my birds feathers she recommend this inexpensive pair at $9.99.  I have never used scissors that worked this well! She warned me that they are so sharp that you must be very careful not to cut the bird!

 Wichita is really excited as our Wichita State University Shockers just won the Missouri Valley Tournament and hopefully will get a number 1 seat in the NCAA Tournament!

We are undefeated at 34 - 0!

Coach Marshall thanks the 9,200 fans that came to support our team!

Team cutting down the nest. I had a wonderful time but glad to be back with my birds!

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