Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New Products - PVC Perches - Sissal Mixed Nesting Fibre

PVC perches are a great addition to my bird cages. They provide sturdy support and varying shape and diameter for great foot exercise.  These were made by Tom Voges, T.VOGES@YAHOO.COM 316 516-8674.

 Looking for an easier way to provide nesting material rather than shredding the garden loose weave burlap, I found this mixed fibre on the internet which is made in Italy and luckily is sold in the US by Terr's Glamorous Gouldians,,

 I especially like the way it easily forms into a near perfect nest. I will add a little more to the center and the hen will finish it nicely.

This German Roller laid her first egg this morning and is sitting quite comfortably in her fibre nest!

1 comment:

  1. Linda,
    Just thought I would let you know how much I appreicate all your time an endless effort you do for the fancy...xoxo

    Ed Medrano
