Saturday, December 28, 2013

Richard May

Richard May National Cage Bird Show Banquet 2013
Rich Accepting German Roller Division Higgins Trophy

It is with great sorrow that I received the news that my good friend Richard May had passed on December 25, 2013. Richard was a sensitive and caring person who always looked after me at the National and the first to help me when he saw me over burdened with show responsibilities and to defend, fix it and support me when my efforts did not please everyone. This year he managed the German Roller Division for me.

My last e-mail exchanges with him was late Christmas Eve and when I sent him the You Tube Feliz Navidad to get his opinion before posting, he responded that it was just too too funny!

This year he also shared one of his very best Hollow Roll (17 pt) German Roller males with me that I promptly named "Richey" who will be a very busy boy this Spring! Richey is in his own cage and sets in the aviary where I can even see him through the aviary window every time I come and go in my car.

Please send family condolences to his brother Robert May


  1. Linda,
    I was without words about Rich when l heard about his passing, l am sure he will be dearly missed.

