Monday, November 4, 2013

Hamilton Roller Canary Show Brampton Canada

 A view of some of the thirty one teams of rollers exhibited at the show.

 Tony Schlott preparing a team to go in for judging.  For a full day Saturday and half day Sunday, I set and judged the teams. The sound was so beautiful that I didn't have any fatigue because the lovely song kept me energized! When I listen to them, I relax and become unaware of anything or anyone in the room.Its just me being enveloped in heavenly sound!

 Many trophies and ribbons were awarded to a number of club members. Especially fine teams were exhibited by Nick, Alan, and Tony!

 Alan Timari pictured with his wife and children won the grand large traveling trophy! His wife and brother and his wife ran the luncheon. I had delicious salad topped with chicken. Thanks so much for making it so special!

 The youngest exhibitor was ten year old Lucas Di Stasio. Lucas set in the judging room for many hours and soaked up roller information. His passion for the hobby is encouragement to us all!

Too Soon it was time to go back to Kansas but before I left Tony gave me two Braeburn apples from his orchard to eat along the way home. They were the best apples I have ever tasted! Thanks Tony!

As I look at this photo, I can't believe that Peter is still smiling. He and family picked me up at the airport Friday at 5:30 and what is normally 10 to 20 minutes to the hotel took four and 1/2 hours! Also a special thank you to Anna, Tony's wife for all the record keeping and the behind the scene details that help make this a fantastic show! I really enjoyed my time there and look forward to keeping in touch with them!

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