Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Excellent Vitamineral Supplement

Recently, I began using Natural Vitamineral, a pigeon product made in Belgium. The product has eight different minerals and vitamin A, D3, E, K3 - thiamine , and B2, B6, and B12. Overall condition improved and I was very impressed with the positive effect on my birds feathering and activity level. This rose colored powder for pigeons, is offered free choice in a small pot so birds eat only what they want. The idea of birds eating how much they wanted rather than adding it to their food really appealed to me.

Enthusiastically, I offered a cage of German Rollers and one of Borders open dishes of Vitamineral. Oh my, did they ever like it! But unfortunately, they jump right in the dish and as you can imagine, the wings and tail feather were promptly dusted to a matching rose color! Oh no, what was Big Bird thinking?

It has taken quite a few daily baths, over a month, for the rose colored feathers to disappear even though I only offered it a few hours in the open dish. Luckily, I had limited my experiment with the open dishes to two cages!

I am now adding it to the green nestling food recipe previously posted.

This product has distributors listed all over the world. For example: Australia - Merryland Products, South Africa - Exeder Produkte, Japan Tokyo  Champion Trade Co or International Fodder Kobe,  Belgium - Natural Granen. I purchased mine at Foy's Pigeon Supply US.

Lucca, my Belgian Malinois, is my newest aviary assistant.

His favorite job is encouraging the birds to fly back and forth. So far, he only works with German Rollers.

After all that work time for a rest and play with the natural sounding squawking duck toy. The duck is fine but wonder if they make a canary one?

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