Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wishing You A Merry Merry

Peace On Earth, Good Will To All!

The lovely pewter tree ornament, Angel of Assurance, is designed by Wichita artist Carole Ranney. In addition to the ones on her web site (, she also designs a new one each year for Catholic Charities ( which are marketed as Angels For All Seasons, a fund raiser for the St. Anthony Family Shelter for homeless families here in Wichita.

Nativity from Peru (gift from Edith and David Benites)

Male Crested Stafford

Male Green Border

Male Topaz (colorbred) Mosaic

Male German Roller

Best Wishes for a Merry Merry Christmas!!


  1. Wishing you and your family a HEALTHY Happy New Year, Linda.

    Who has those beautiful topaz birds?

  2. The topaz are the latest addition to my aviary. They were a gift from my Wichita bird buddy, Doyle Johnson.

  3. Howzit my beautiful Linda,

    Long time since my last comment - sorry about that it was so hectic these last few months with the great wind down to Christmas - its like all of South Africa comes to a grinding stop at this time of year.

    Just a short update, I bred well with the birds this year again and most of my adult birds are now starting to moult with the youngsters just also starting to lose the down feather.

    I wanted to know when should one start with the vit e fortified seed and how much I was thinking maybe around 5ml to 1kg?

    Hope your blessings overflowed for CHRISTmas - and will do so for all of 2011.


  4. Unfortunately, I do not have the recipe for the Bird of Paradise wheat germ oil and vitamin coated seed so I have no idea what the amount is...

    The more I learn about Borders, the more it is apparent that they have higher vitamin needs then other breeds. One thing I have noticed in the past is that to get a good size vent development on a Border was a challenge and often the size was much smaller than on a Roller. This year, to my surprise, I caught a Border male and was shocked that he already has good vent development and I have not even started working with him yet..
    The point is they need more vitamins all year round... One breeder in the US bred a phenomenal number last season. More than ever even though he had bred Borders for probably 25 or more years. When I ask him what he attributed the success to he, at first he couldn't think of anything, saying, well I have my way and I just do it the same way each year.

    On further probing regarding vitamins, he remember of yes, I did add orlux vitamin pre and during breeding season!!

    Take a good look at the width of the Border tail, if it is narrow they are getting what they need.
